Wow! I just want to take a moment to say Thank You.
This album has been released since September 30th 2011 but has only
recently been announced as I have been patiently working on the website
as well as going through the long and detailed proceedure of getting
it posted on CDBABY.COM and the digital download sites .
In the meantime I was really not sure of the reaction of my friends and fans.
Honesly, I was very, very nervous. This recording is truely outside of my comfort zone. I feel extremely exposed in front of just a guitar and a bass.
Now I am feeling all the looooove.
There has been some very nice Cd sales and downloads (more than happy to receive more)
And of course a lot of compliments and congratulations. Thank You!
It really means a lot to me, really.
Especially when my first engineer (during this 2 year period of recording at 3 LIVE concerts advised me to shelve this CD.
He didn't feel it was strong enough to be released to the public.....
Thankfully, I followed my 'gut' feeling and was lucky enough to have
Urs Wiesendanger , engineer and mixer on the album, believe in me!
And of helps to be married to a man who supports me unconditionally!
Thanks a million Markus!